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What are Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders

"Orofacial myofunctional disorders (OMDs) are abnormal movement patterns of the face and mouth. Speech-language pathologists can help. Visit ProFind to locate a professional in your area."


This article from the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) helps people understand what OMDs are and how they can adversely affect your health.

What are Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders
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We treat Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs) all the time. That's why I wish more people knew what OMDs were and why it is so important to treat them. OMDs can affect eating, swallowing, chewing, breathing, and talking. OMDs can also reverse the positive effects of orthodontia.

Not sure if you have an OMD? Here are some of the symptoms from

- Someone who always breathes through the mouth or has difficulty breathing through the nose.

- Limited tongue movement.

- Eating may be messy or difficult. Keep in mind that it is normal for babies to stick their tongue out and push food out of their mouth. Over time, they do this less.

- An overbite, underbite, and/or other dental problems.

- The tongue pushing past the teeth, even when a person is not talking or using the tongue.

- Difficulty saying some sounds, like "s" in "sun," "sh" in "ship," or "j" in "jump."

- Drooling, especially beyond age 2.

- Difficulty closing the lips to swallow.

If you or your loved one have any of these types of problems, you should contact us for an evaluation. Untreated OMDs can get worse over time and be harder to correct.

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